A Lesson Learned

I learned the value of walking away and breathing today,


the value of not letting myself be domineered by someone else.


This life of mine does not belong to others to turn upside down, and yet they do it anyway. I’m right to be upset about what they say, but why should I let them hold that power over me? The power to make me cry. The power to make my heart ache. The power to make my whole life stumble and come crashing to a halt in a huddled mess on the ground, quivering and unable to pick up the pieces and move on.

I always thought that breathing and stepping back was cowardice. Society wants me to believe it is running away. I let myself be convinced that the confrontation was a “game”; I tried my hardest to win and it was never enough. Maybe if I had refused to be part of it a long time ago, I might have realized sooner that I wasn’t the one losing: after all, one can’t have a power play if there is no opponent.

Feel free to argue with air. I’m sure you’ll feel so proud of yourself when it doesn’t argue back.